Tuesday, June 28, 2011

How to Verify if OID services are Completely Down

Dear All,

We had a situation where in we were asked to rebuild indexes of OID using "bulkload".Within OID all attributes needs to be indexed or attributes which are indexed needs to be rebuild.

Before we start rebuilding activity the OID should be either in 'read-only' mode or 'shutdown'.I have issued 'opmnctl stopall' and all services were shutdown cleanly,but when we ran bulkload we got the message that OID services are still running ,pelase shutdown.

So below are simple steps to check if OID services are shutdown cleanly.

1. First step is to use the normal 'OS command'

ps -ef | grep -i oid ( or ) ps -ef | grep -i <username>

<username> - is the user which you start/stop OID services

2. The next step is to use the 'oidctl' utility

$ oidctl connect=<servicename> status

<service name> - is the name of the DB service.

$ oidctl connect=OIDB status (in my case 'OIDB' is the database name)
NLS_LANG not set in environment
oidctl:Checking Oracle Internet Directory Processes ...
Process oidmon is not running ------------------> if any OID process is running,it would give you the PID
Checking OIDLDAPD instance 1 ...
Instance is shutdown ------------------> if any OIDLDAPD process is running,it would give you the PID and ports of dispatcher and server
OIDREPLD instance is not configured
ODISRV instance is not configured

3. The third step is to check the table 'ODS.ODS_PROCESS'

Normally after OID is shutdown there are no entries on these tables.Sometimes if the shutdown is not clear or due to any bugs
there are normally some entries on the table.Use the below query to check

set lines 200
col HOSTNAME format a30
col FLAGS format a20


If the above query returns any values after stopping OID,then it is not a clean shutdown. After ensuring the OID services are down ,truncate the table ODS.ODS_PROCESS.

truncate table ODS.ODS_PROCESS;

So now we have gone through the different ways/methods of how to check if OID services are down before starting any maintenance activities.

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